Saturday, September 14, 2013

Story_Part : [ gorgeous life ]

Hey people. How are you? hihi. K dah lama gilaa tak update blog. Well, masa tidak mengizinkan, jadi tak sempat lah nak update. Ceh, mcm busy sgt je kan. haha. First of all, about raya. Raya for this year is totally awesomee. With beloved family and super duper awesome boyfriends and girlfriends ;) Let's see the pictures as they can tell you millions of story. Hihi :)

pretty girls :)

Next, our qiamulail sempena ambang kemerdekaan. Program tu start petang, start with senamrobik, then solat maghrib and isyak, tayangan, barbeque, countdown for merdeka, firework and sleep, and wake up for qiamulail. Pukul 3 pagi, bangun2 je, masing2 cari junkfood dan makan. Haha. Macam apa je. *sila contohi kami k :P lol. Memang seronok dan menenangkan :) seriously, we cannot describe how's the feeling but it's totally awesomee. 
we :)

How's trial? Yeahhhhh, my trial was suck. Seriously -.- Entah lah. Tapi harap-harap result okay lah kot. Haha. Actually, aku rasa tahun ni, tahun yang sangat mencabar, banyak dugaan, cabaran, halangan. All those things happen. Sick. Always absent. Hate hospital, hate clinic, hate doctor and hate medicine -.- It's really tiring. and somehow aku rasa macam dah give up gila dengan life. Tapi bila fikir balik, hidup ni ujian kan? I must strong. Tiada orang melihat air mata kita, tapi Allah tahu setiap titisan yang jatuh ke bumi. Yeahh, it's really true :') Come on Ernie, fighting! :)

Kekecewaan mengajar kita erti kehidupan. Teruskan perjuangan kita walaupun terpaksa menghadapi rintangan demi rintangan dalam hidup :)

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